Mr. Modi's Ministry came up with yet another ambitious approach launched in Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao scheme which is the dire need of the hour. The scheme started with Rs.100 crore initial corpus funds and is likely to move ahead with its well thought-out plan and direction. The welfare measures voiced are for protecting and planning the lives of the down trodden daughters of this country. The union minister Mr. Arun Jaitley stated there are various areas of women and child which need to be addressed immediately. The idea is to create awareness about gender equality and extend medical aid for various ailments for women and child. He felt school syllabus has to create topics which helps the child to feel there is gender equality. It is stated that the funding for all these activities will be done by Nirbhaya fund.
It is also proposed to start a special small savings scheme for the education of the girl child with a fund of Rs. 14,389 crores. Also there is a proposal to Rs. 150 crores on the safety of women in urban and large cities.
However, the initiative though good has been largely criticized by many people. It is not enough to allot funds and schemes. More importantly we need to rearrange and amend the laws and punish those vigorously who interfere with the peaceful existence of the girls in the society. Sabu George, who is working for more than 30 years towards this, is under the impression that money allotment is never the solution, it's high time we see to it the law is punishing the culprits very severely. "We need to have a strong law meant to punish those engaged in the practice of sex determination and sex selective abortion- Pre Conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act. The government has to ensure that they talk tough so that doctors do not indulge in this malpractice," George said.
According to Subash Mendapurkar of the Society for Social Uplift, through rural action, there is a need to connect with the communities first, right from the gram panchayat level to ensure gender equality. He has been working on the issue of the girl child especially in Himachal Pradesh. He pointed out that there has been a marginal increase in the child sex ratio. "What we need to do is provide an enabling environment for our girls and educate and inform person's right at the grass root level that there should be no gender bias", he said.
Kiran Moghe, President of the State All India Democratic Women Association however was critical of budgetary allocation of Rs 200 crore for the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel statue and a mere Rs 100 crore to save the girl child. "Need I say more," she said adding that the increase in number of violations against the girl child was on the rise. "There also is a need to launch more dedicated efforts than just allocating monetary incentives," she said.
Gender respect should be taught at the school level more so from the home level by the parents. Also we need to address the associated problems in bringing up the girl child, her marriage expenses and discrimination in the society. If these are addressed properly there is no issue which will discriminate the girl from the boy in the society. We need not campaign door to door about the girl child and her safety. Let us all not forget that we live in a country where state of Kerala and its law extends the best of status to its girls. Also we should remember there are families, brothers and fathers who care exclusively for their girl children. They need to be rewarded, applauded and be taken as role models in the society. The girl child issue has to be attacked more smartly and encourage the future parents with a positive note.
Among the list of immediate issues, few are very important, they are,
We need to understand solution lies just beside the problem, smile is in the mile. Let us help India walk that extra MILE's with a smile in the eyes of a girl child.