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Political Science

Why political science is an important for IAS aspirants ?

Political Science is an important subject for Civil Services Mains Examination. Some students desist from choosing political science as a popular optional subject. However, many students feel political science and international relations as the IAS optional subject offers numerous benefits. If a student takes political science as an optional subject, they will study for this optional along with the prelims section thus helps in saving time for other subjects. This method helps the students to combine the UPSC prelims and mains preparation.

Besides, concepts in political science are general and anyone who reads newspapers on a regular basis would be able to understand and prepare for it. The idea that the syllabus for political science is vast is only partly true. In fact, a lot of the topics are repeated political theories and philosophies like Liberal, Neoliberal, Marxist, Pluralist, Post-colonial and feminist. Besides, a good knowledge of the topics in polity such as governance, international relations, etc can help even during the interview session.

Aiming to provide a comprehensive online resource for Civil Services Mains and state civil service preparation, we have highlighted the entire syllabus of Political Science in detail. The syllabus is divided into various sections. Each section is important for student’s success in mains examination. Students are advised to read the Political Science Paper syllabus thoroughly and plan their preparation accordingly.