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IAS Coaching centres in India - 2023

If a candidate thrives for success in Civil Service exam, we are here to usher them towards the right direction. Aspirants must never hesitate to join the best coaching institute to enhance the skills in the subject and prepare themselves for the top exam. There are so many kinds of coaching offered by centres and subject matter experts. But, intensive coaching, group study, hard work is indispensable, if the student wishes to the merit list. The aim of these coaching institutes is to impart right set of education and coaching methodology, so that students should not face any kind of challenging while making their career in IAS. Students can plan their future by enrolling in top class IAS coaching institutes. Here is a list of coaching centres around the country.

Best Coaching for IAS for Free | Tips On Choosing IAS Coaching Centers

List of some of the best IAS Coaching Centers in India

IAS Coaching Centres in various cities of India. Make your choice after you have enquired from the students who have taken guidance from there. We hope the list of IAS academies will help you to find the best IAS academy in India.

IAS aspirants can also visit links of some of the leading coaching Institutes in India. They are listed city wise. Here is also a list of some IAS coaching centres that offer free of cost coaching. There are coaching centres that also provide training through distance mode. They work like correspondence course and provide notes and other study material. They also guide you how to make your own notes. However, you may first try IAS coaching centres that function physically and are near to your home. In case if you have little option then better try the distance education mode for IAS training. In case if you know the names of IAS Coaching centres in other cities or within the existing cities please feel free to submit their names to us and we will update them here.

State and Citywise Top IAS Coaching Institutes

Sl.No State and Citywise Top IAS Coaching Institutes
1 Major Cities

2 Andhra Pradesh
3 Assam
4 Bihar
5 Chhattisgarh
6 Goa
7 Gujarat
8 Haryana
9 Jammu and Kashmir
10 Jharkhand
11 Karnataka
12 Kerala
13 Madhya Pradesh
14 Maharashtra
15 New Delhi
16 Odisha
17 Pondicherry
18 Rajasthan
19 Tamil Nadu
20 Telangana
23 Uttar Pradesh
21 Uttarakhand
22 West Bengal

Tips on Choosing IAS Coaching Centres

There are several IAS academies and to find the best one could be a toughest task. Here are some tips that may be useful in your search.

  1. Even as new IAS IPS academies seem to appear at the drop of a hat, it is wiser for you to test out the old as well as the new ones talking to the students enrolled there.
  2. The best way to choose a good academy is to find out whether the owner himself is coaching as it gives an edge over people who are simply hired to teach you.
  3. Check up the credentials of the teachers who may be handling different subjects. Some institutes have brilliant teacher for a particular subject but not necessarily for all the other subjects.
  4. Try to look at the infrastructure of the academy, the subject material they provide and any other such details.
  5. Please check up the past results of the academy through authentic source before enrolling in that institute.
  6. Don't go by the brand name, some academy have built their reputation and living in the past glory. Please verify their performances in last few years.
  7. There is a huge amount of money that's charged by such academy, so please make a comparison of the fee structure before enrolling yourself.
  8. There are some academies who may like to screen you before giving admission, sometimes it's just humbug but at times it could be genuine. So the best way would be to talk to the students and get their feedback.
  9. Try to find out which institute has the best staff to handle the revised General Studies papers because now in the revised pattern of the Civil Services main syllabus, the focus has shifted from Optional subject to General Studies.
  10. Last but not the least, do not forget that IAS academy is only to guide you how to tackle the IAS exam and so take their help only in the areas you need them.