General Knowledge Quiz
Quizzes are very important for any student, as it motivates them to learn more. It helps to stop and review what was learned. Repetition is an important element of learning, and one way to repeat content is through quizzes. Quizzes cause students to learn more from the next study term or episode. Essentially, it reduces forgetting which makes the next study area more productive. One of the major benefits is that it offers is better organization of knowledge by helping the brain organize material in clusters to allow better retrieval. Quizzes also improve the transfer of knowledge to new contexts.
UPSC Mock Test
1. The Union Finance Minister is its ex-officio chairperson.
2. It decides the RBI’s benchmark interest rates.
3. Under Banking Regulation Act1949, the central government is empowered to constitute a six-member Monetary Policy Committee (MPC).
Select the correct answer code:
A) Only one B) Only two C) All three D) None
Why we need a daily online quiz?
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) syllabus for prelims has clearly mentioned current events and happenings of national and international importance. This part of the syllabus is called as current affairs. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has included current affairs in the exam but the syllabus of current affairs is not well-defined for both prelims and mains exam. So a student should read major newspapers every day and make notes out of it. In order to assess one’s knowledge after learning it, one should take a daily quiz, which makes them more likely to retain it for the longer term. That is the reason why Civil Service India brings you the daily general quiz.
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Online Current Affairs Test for UPSC exam
Online general knowledge test for 2024 prelims
This new resource will help you do better in your UPSC IAS exams. We shall be giving updated Current Affairs Quizzes that will include 2024 General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Gk Questions or any other name by which you call it. The Current Affairs Quiz will help you refresh your memory on current affairs of India and the world targeted at getting you ready for the UPSC exam. This 2024 GK online Quiz is updated on daily basis on working days. This is by far the best UPSC Online Mock Test for Civil Service Aspirants and has been prepared by experts who know the exam and have themselves been aspirants. To top this its a free online test series for ias aspirants. These are like ias mock tests modelled on the test questions given by UPSC. This general knowledge based daily current affairs quiz for upsc acts like having a practice everyday. Also attempting these questions will clear some of your doubts that you may have in understanding urrent affairs topics better. Please download our app and practice this IAS GK quiz questions on the go thus updating yourself in a short time span. Effective time management is crucial for the IAS exam. For a perfect upsc mock test with time limit visit the link. There is a free trial for you to sign up to.