UPSC English Qualifying mains question papers
Listed below are the UPSC English Qualifying mains question papers ordered yearwise for your understanding of the pattern of the IAS English Qualifying question paper. Please carefully go through this UPSC English Qualifying question bank that we have prepared for you so that you can get the trend for the questions that are set every year and as per analysis prepare well giving more time to recurring topics and important parts of the syllabus that carry more marks overall. The English Qualifying question paper lisetd below are actual papers that were given for teh civil service mains examination held by UPSC. Our UPSC English Qualifying question bank is updated till questions of 2020.
Past Year Question papers
- English Qualifying Question paper(2020)[PDF Format]
- English Qualifying Question paper(2019)[PDF Format]
- English Qualifying Question paper(2018)[PDF Format]
- English Qualifying Question paper(2017)[PDF Format]
- English Qualifying Question paper(2016)[PDF Format]