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Necessity for Communal Violence prevention bill

Since childhood, we are used to hearing stories of India's diverse culture and tradition of unity prevailing underneath. India is a vast country which has many religions, caste, creed, and communities. Be it a Guajarati or a Marathi, a Bengali or a Muslim, everyone has its own unique identity but each are Indians.

Our national anthem also states about unity in our diversity. It forces us to think about communal violence which is recurring every now and then. Many cases of communal violence are reported in the recent past and it is of utter sadness that our country is prone to regular communal violence. Be it the Gujarat riots or Muzafar Nagar riots, communal violence has always destroyed the reputation of our country. For all these reasons, I feel that there is an urgent need for communal violence prevention bill. Although introduction of a bill to prevent communal violence is not the ultimate solution since laws are neither respected nor enforced in India, but it can check violence to some extent.

However, in the long run, effort should be made to remove the communal feeling from the minds of every Indian. Government should take initiatives such as inclusion of communal friendly lessons in school textbook since this problem needs to be checked at its root. Without the eradication of the feeling of communalism, it is very difficult to overcome this problem.

Divide and rule was the main idea for expansion of British in India, but even now we are doing the same thing. Increased communal violence does not render happiness to anyone since it is a curse for the country. A country can develop only if every citizen of the country is united and live in peace. We can all be proud of being Indians.

There are many cases when just because of communal barriers; we are not able to attain various objectives. Our country is democratic where everybody has equal rights but this right should not be misused to divide the country. Diversity increases the beauty of a country but it can also be used as a weapon, as people are doing right now. So all those, who try to infuse communalism in our society must be penalized.

We must try our best to eradicate the communal feelings from our minds. This element of mentality we must change. The need of the hour is to resolve that each and everyone will try to eradicate this feeling from its mind and live in peace and harmony for the well being of the entire country.

Shreya Ghosh

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