Should India accept Rohingya Refugees
"The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity" is aptly said by Leo Tolstoy. The quote grips significant importance in the context of Rohingya refugees. The helpless people, driven out from homeland are facing humanitarian crisis.This is one of the large-scale Ethnic Cleansing ever in the history of human existence which is responsible for millions of poor people to go homeless and helpless.

They could sustain the inhumane violence in Myanmar only by developing a hope that the global community is there to help them out from the misery. This incidence has seen global concern over this issue. The recent discussions at the UN General Assembly have invested a great deal in this matter. The fleeing of the Rohingyas into India and Bangladesh is demonstrating a threat for their survival. They are now deprived of their basic needs of life. The millions of the refugees are out in the sun eagerly waiting for a helping hand. The long ridden fight in Myanmar has resulted in just the evacuation of the community. Now their hope is entirely dependent on the humbleness of India and Bangladesh.
India, a democratic country has a guarantee of fundamental rights to her citizens. The rights include the right to survival, which plays a significant role in India. After experiencing a brutal rule by the Britishers for a couple of centuries, India is on its way to a recognition and development. India's collaboration and external effairs with many nations has proved an implication of her strong and robust development. India has always been the front runner for global hormony and collective development. This is evident from the significant roles played by India through various platforms like BRICS, G-20,UNO and other summits. Being a trust-worthy member at the UNO, India is always at consensus for providing assistance for the Rohingyas. India is ready to accept the Rohingyas and provide them full-pledged rights. The only issue India is facing now is the internal security. Nevertheless the Indian government is much compassionate to this issue and has come forward to provide shelter for Rohingyas as like Bangladesh. Despite the probable threat of terrorism the Indian government is well enough prepared for the challenge of maintaining peace inside India. The helping hand of India has showcased the readiness of India for global concerns through the successful implementation of the 'Mission Insaniyat'. Through this mission India has mitigated the hunger of thousands of the refugees, thus showcasing itself as a role model in the global scenario.
Measures taken at the global platform are very much motivational for countries like India to step forward for global peace and prosperity. The recently awarded Nansen Refugee Award has played a significant role for the recognition of the refugees. The conception that the refugees are by default helpless and unfortunate must change at this point of time. The decades long struggle for equality for the Rohingyas should end. Myanmar should repatriate the Rohingyas, otherwise India and Bangladesh are ready to accept them as their citizens with due legality. The issue is howeverstill underway discussion at national and internation level. The ultimate help is however expected from India and Bangladesh. We expect that the global community is attentive to this issue and provide the sought-after helping hand for the Rohingyas