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Bharat Mata Ki Jai. This expression often takes my mind on a safari through the diverse culture, the unity in diversity theory, the British rule, the freedom struggle and the present Modi regime. But although what I realize is that the patriotic feeling is still alive in the hearts of people. In spite of the intolerance and conflicts, the people possess feelings of love towards its motherland. This is proved by the incident in the cinema hall. The family was asked to leave the place for not standing on the traditional posture while the national anthem was being played. This justified that the countrymen do care about its country and also want others to feel the same that would somewhat unites them. The attitude of people towards ours country is deepening. The roots which the freedom fighters had sown have strengthened over the years. The way to express these feelings varies. Take for instance the JNU case, A boy purges out slogans that we call "anti-national". But none bothered about the root cause that inflicted such hatred. The person was so frustrated that he was forced to advise his own country and its fellow men. Is he not the offspring of his motherland? Was he not taught the feelings of love and patriotism?

Nationalism is a feeling and we cannot control what one thinks or feels. The roots of one's life like in his childhood. Therefore the feelings of love, respect, discipline, and patriotism should be inculcated early in life. Here parents and teachers come in action. They are the one in whose hands lay the power of shaping the future of a country. They are the paddle of a boat without which a journey cannot start resulting in no movement of the boat.

Today what we find is conflicting ideas on nationalism. People don't think twice to hurt someone in the name of freedom to express. Thus to end the conflict, the Constitution grants the right to express our feelings, emotions but that should not hurt the integrity of the nation. This law justified why we call the committee that framed or Constitution "the Galaxy of members". They granted is freedom with limited boundaries. They knew that too much freedom is bad.

The matter of fact is that our country is PR motherland and the gremlins towards our motherland today after burnt expressed in a wrong way. People protest, involve in riots, violence because of their disapproval to the conditions prevailing on the economic, political and social areas. Thus the govt. should set up a scenario that can provide relief to the grievances in a better and faster way. This would relieve the impatience of the people. And the citizens should also participate equally in maintaining the peace and harmony in the country.

- Nikita Thatai

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