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Does really politics divided the anti-corruption movement (anna hazare/kejriwal)

Team Anna led people's campaign against "Corruption" invigorated the civil society in such a way that at every nook and corner you will find corruption as a debatable agenda. The corruption has ingressed so much in our life style that it seems legitimate when we seek public service and have no issue to give monetary benefits to obtained coveted services typically one such most common is when police personnel comes to obtain a character verification for issuance of passport. The question arises, why we are so sensitive now? Why we accept it like a lameduck earlier. The vision which Team Anna took is laudable and assisted by media moguls of the 21st century and certain enlighten elites revolution has started in a big way to tackle the vulnerabilities of "Corruption".

A recent spat among Team Anna has created a rift in their ways to reach a common goal, "Corruption free Society". A section led by Arvind Kejriwal is set to hunt a politically motivated solution not likened by Anna Hazare who views politics as a root cause of all corruption. Anna has its own contention which may not be practical in contemporary scenario. The government failure to act amid political turmoil to give a facelift to anti corruption activities within the government and illusion created to set things right has frustrated the general public. The "aam aadmi" is ramshackled with each new day comes as a story of a new form of corruption.

The fasting agitation adopted by the Team Anna is in the same path as of our "Father of Nation" which has not borne any rich fruits. The disenergised faction of Team Anna in dearth of Government support and those if any is of vested interest opposition for their vote bank politics and leaves no option but to follow a new approach. The new approach is in the same platform i.e "political driven", a level playing field phenomena.

Asking, Does really politics divided the anti-corruption movement(anna hazare/kejriwal)?. The answer is yes. The inactivity of Government and if does any has a hidden interest for their own benefits have created such an environment why Team Anna has no option but to come up with "political" solutions through enlightening voters and choosing deserving candidates which are not a product of "Inheritance" of their family name and fame but the ones who are truly aware of ground situations to trigger some refinements of ruing class.

Rishi tandon

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