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What are the real issues confronting India in the run up to the general election 2014.

The next general elections are going to be held in the coming months. There are innumerable issues confronting the country and the contesting political parties are highlighting them to seek public support.

The contentious issues which are being debated are widening of fiscal deficit, communal disharmony, corruption, mis-governance, stagnation, security issues, naxalism, terrorism etc.

First issue which is widely being debated is prevailing corruption in the country. The commonwealth games were beset with corruption. Other issues of corruption are; 2G scam, Adarsh scam, ISRO-DEVAS deal, Italian helicopter scam etc. As a result corruption is the hot topic because it is considered to be impediment to the development.

Second contentious issue is managing the economy. The government failed to respond in time where our currency rate was belittled against dollar in the international market as a result we lost much forex reserves for paying for import of oil. The government spending on various schemes and other projects have made revenue deficit and fiscal deficit to cross the prescribed limit. At this juncture the international rating agencies threatened to reduce our economic status; as a result investors are losing their confidence in our economy.

Third most pressing issue is security related such as naxalism, terrorism, communal tension, external security threat. The naxalism and terrorism issues are endangering the security of this country.

With the aid from neighbouring countries which are against us terrorists are fomenting trouble. The neighbouring countries are sheltering such forces to purport attacks on our soil.

The communal disharmony is another disturbing trend in our country where university in diversity persists. These fanatics are getting inspiration from ideologies that are available in our neighbouring counties.

The regional hatred is another problem facing the country where people from one region are opposing the people of other regions.

Women are being harassed in their work places and in public places. This trend of crime against women is on rise in the country.

There is no respite from inflation to the common man. People are feeling its heat either directly or indirectly. Based on inflation index, the central bank will review their policy rates which will effect on banking activities. This in turn will have impact on public lending, house loans, agriculture loans etc.

Next issue is related to the defence of our country. We are having border problem with China, Pakisthan, Nepal, Bangaldesh and Myanmar.

The china which is our neighbouring country with that we have boundary dispute. It poses a challenge to our country s it is encircling us through their "PEARLS OF STRING POLICY. " According to this policy China is aiding all our bordering countries financially and militarily.

The next issue is sharing of revenue between states and centre. Inter-state water problem, clearances for development projects, etc.

These are the some of the real issues confronting India in the run to general election 2014.

Dwarakanadha Reddy

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