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Global Warming: A Deadly Threat for Human Life

The recent activity in Iceland-Volcano brought the whole world to a grinding halt. This was the most recent reminder of nature's power, and shows how feeble human beings are in front of mother nature; however, advanced the human race has become in technology. The natural catastrophes similar to above are grim reminders to respect nature.

What is Global warming: There is a perceptible change in the average temperature of the atmosphere through out the world. This increase in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere is known as GLOBAL WARMING. The summers are becoming hotter and longer, and the winters are turning out to be more freezing (recent increased snowfall witnessed in Northern Hemisphere) and longer. Not to mention that the spring and autumn are becoming shorter. Let us try to understand what has caused this change in climate, and what are the effects of this change?

Earth is the only planet suitable to human life known to us in the Universe. Other planets are either too hot or too cold to support the life. What sets planet Earth apart is the Earth's atmosphere, and Green House Effect. Planet Earth receives the heat from Sun in form of radiation during the day. The heat radiation from Sun enters the earth's atmosphere, and gets reflected back from the earth surface. Earth's atmosphere consists of different gases, and some gases' atoms have the property to trap the heat; these gases are termed as green house gases (e.g. CO2, CH4 etc.), and the phenomenon of heat-trapping is called the Green House Effect. Owing to the Green House Effect, a part of the reflected heat is trapped in the atmosphere. The heat trapped by the atmosphere during the day saves the earth from cooling down to the freezing temperate during night when there is no heat radiation received by Earth.

This is a very delicate balance and directly depends on the quantity of Green house gases in the atmosphere. Higher the percentage of the green house gases in atmosphere composition the higher the amount of heat will be trapped in atmosphere; therefore results an increase in the temperature of the Earth. Some of the major green house gases are Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH4).

The major human activities contributing to a higher percentage of green house gases are:

  1. Burning of Fossil Fuels: The ever increased burning of the fossil fuels (Petrol, Coal etc.) produces more and more CO2, and CO in the Atmosphere.
  2. Intensive Agriculture: The intensive agriculture of Rice and Corn results in release of Methane in the atmosphere.
  3. Construction activities: construction (e.g. Buildings and Roads etc) absorb heat radiation from Sun, and increase the temperature of the atmosphere.

Perils of Global Warming:

Climate Change: longer and hotter summer, longer and cooler winter, and shortening of the spring and autumn are a direct result of Global Warming. There are some plants that bear flowers in spring or autumn, and the shorter autumn or spring means no time for the flowers to bloom or fruits to ripe. Due to climate change the migratory birds no longer know when to start migrating. That means more species becomes endangered. Climate change would result in more unpredictability of weather and could lead to increased occurrence of hurricanes, storms. The climate change would result in disturbances of El Nino and El Dido, the adverse impact of such disturbances cannot be fully estimated but can only be feared (e.g. disturbance of the Monsoon cycle).

Melting of Polar Ice, Mountain Glaciers: The melting of mountain glaciers threatens the existence of many important fresh water sources: the perennial rivers in the world (e.g. Ganges, Indus and Brahmaputra river system in South Asia). Increase in temperature would also mean that the lakes would dry up sooner. All this will result in fresh water scarcity.

Increase in Sea level: Due to the increased temperature the Polar Ice, mountain-glaciers would melt and increase the sea-level. The increase in sea level threatens the existence of many countries in world (e.g. UK, Bangladesh, and Netherlands).

It is no secret that climate change (Ice age) wiped out the entire race of mighty Dinosaurs, who once ruled the Planet. It is not hard to imagine the fate of the human race if man does not act in time. The Human race owes its survival and success to "Adaptability". The global consensus in understanding the Global warming and its perils (Global warming and earth Summits) will help in adapting the human-lifestyle towards more environment friendly measures (cleaner fuels, greener technology and environment friendly building architecture and construction). Perhaps this human-trait of "Adaptability" will rescue humans again.


Pushpanjali Bagoria

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