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Global Warming: A Deadly Threat for Human Life

This essay is a global warning to a global warming for the global species. Is our Earth suffering? Yes our Earth suffocates from various problems such as environmental degradation, ozone depletion and various kinds of pollution. But global warming still remains a great menace to mankind. Now, you may be doubtful about what global warming is actually all about? Global warming is the general increase in the average temperature of the Earth. This increase has been between 0.30C and 0.80C over last 100 years. Global warming is bringing stormier weather by trapping more energy inside the atmosphere. Moreover, in simple words global warming is a mixture of variety disputes regarding the nature.

Greenhouse effect, a modern phenomenon has played an excellent role in the issue of deadly global warming. Greenhouse effect is the increment certain gases in the air, notably carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide (CO2) traps some of the harmful heat of the Sun like the planes of glass in the walls and roof of a greenhouse. The main ingredients of greenhouse gases are Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (NO2), Water vapour and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Modern and busy lifestyle of human beings has also accelerated the rate of global warming. Over utilization of resources, exploitation of nature and greater ejection of toxic wastes and gases by industries and vehicles is also responsible for 40% increase in global warming.

Over the past few years, the global warming has caused many damages to the nature. Increase in the global temperature has also turned some places into deserts while others could become wetter as well as hotter. Methane (CH4) which has been released by the cattle ill effects to human beings. Apart from all the above damages, global warming has also given way for ozone depletion that is creation of holes in the ozone layer. Depletion of the layer of ozone gases, which is a protective shield against the harmful Ultraviolet rays of the Sun will lead to extinction of life o Earth.

It is absolutely sure that the above part has provided a glimpse of information about the safeguard measures that has to be taken for minimization of global warming on Earth. The lush vegetation of the world's rainforests absorbs a very large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. But, what can the nature do if all these vegetation has been cut down by the human beings? Reduction in the extensive use of private cars and burning coal has also reduced global warming top a great extent.

An old age proverb "Everybody talks about nature but does anything for its betterment" has emerged as a real and acceptable fact in these modern days. Now it has been a fundamental right of each and every citizen of the world to their Earth from the deadly poison, global warming. So, why are sitting stunned after reading this essay. The tips and tricks are at your hands so let's do it with honour.


Ajay Sethu

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