How does a society gain if more and more women are employed as decision makers?

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In the present globalized, industrialized and moreover commercialized world, women play major role, either as employee or employer. In fact about few decades back most of the Asian and African countries deprived social status of women. In African countries women were treated as slaves. There is a quote saying, “Behind every successful person there is women”. This quote help us to understand the importance of women in society directly or indirectly.

When we analyze the above quote, we can observe that women in society need not to be in superior post to help society for its welfare. Before independence in India, most of the women were deprived of education. In 18th century reformers like Jyotibaiphule strive hard to provide education for girls. This shows how hard that time was, whereas providing education for girls itself became a great reform.

Today in India many of the greatest posts and jobs are filled by our women just like finance ministerial of India , CM post of several states , CEO post of several companies and chairman post of several banks, etc. This had happened only because of education. “Education is the only tool that can change the world “, this saying from Nelson Mandela proves today.

As the employment of women increases, as of today it reflects in social welfare index , increase in per capita income with respect to population and in turn inspires many backward class and middleclass girls to achieve in life and to be in good position in society. No man can easily and efficiently manage dual role in society as a women does. She can be either housewife or a worker or even a first teacher to her child.

If women empowerment, women and child welfare increases, India’s standing in World as a welfare state, increases. Some of the measures in constitution as 33% reservation for women in elections, encourages women empowerment and social status of her family and thereby, other families in her constituencies. As an MLA or an MP or a civil servant or whatever as an employee, in place of decision making she plays vital role. Her efficient working as decision taker, helps other poor, deprived people to live with somewhat better life provided with basic need like shelter and food. Thereby this increases social welfare of that particular gram, taluk district, and state, finally country.

Finally the motto of this democracy, is to provide equal opportunities for all people without consider their caste, creed, race, gender or any background aspects. In country like India where there is unequal sex ratio, development of women status become more important. So, if more and more women are employed as decision makers, this takes the country more closer to become welfare state and also satisfies the main aim if our democracy and constitution


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