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What sense does freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killers make to the common Indian?

Indian Prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated during election campaign at a place in Tamil Nadu in the year 1991. This assassination was meticulously planned & executed by Liberty Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a terrorist organization.

After 23years of this national sorrow, the Tamil Nadu Government announced the release of the imprisoned assassin following communication of their punishment to life by the Supreme Court.

What does it means to common Indian?
Thinking from a common man, it means that even killers of Prime Minister of our country can be freed from death charges, what about the common man? As a matter of fact the culprits of Rajiv Gandhi's assassination should have been hanged on that day itself, or at least by that year itself. But that did not happen. This is perfect case of Justice delayed is justice denied.

The other view on this is that now the assassins have served jail more than that of their crime and have families too. Still the trial is going on, nothing is clear about their sentence.

All the accused who are all under custody are not the actual killers, these are the ones who are conspirators who directly or indirectly helped the murderer. The heirs of Rajiv Gandhi have already talked about forgiving them. In this aspect thinking from human rights perspective, freeing them may not be wrong.

Apart from this, the other sense the freeing Rajiv Gandhi's killer make to common is the politics played around this case.
Political parties in Tamil Nadu are keen to play Sri Lankan Tamil card to build its image among the electorates during election to increase its vote shares. This dramatic move of freeing the convicts from ruling AIADMK government was also a reflection of the same political culture. Another aspect is the centre and state relations that in a tug of war in this case.

Common Indian is at loss to make any sense in the freeing of the convicts of the Rajiv Gandhi's assassination case. As a matter of fact after the stay order from the Supreme Court, this case has again come to a grinding halt.

Kanagaraj Raj

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