Role of Social Media in Indian Politics
Views: 3743
In the evolving world of today , social media is emerging as an essential part for the human
generation nowadays. Especially when we talk about politics, social media is more of a boon for
Indian politics. Politics has drastically changed after the virtual arrival of social media.
Firstly let's know the condition of Indian politics when it was completely dependent on print
media :-
1- Decisions based on only one universal perception - due to availability of only one source i.e.,
print media ,any specific complimentary headline or news printed for a specific political leader
was the universal basis of public voting which often misguided people due to the dual face of
fake political leaders. Also we cannot ignore this fact that one sourced system left no options for
formation of varied groups with varied perceptions.
-Crystal Clear Politics - After the emergence of social media in the world of today ,we are now
able to see Indian politics becoming crystal clear ,let's see how :-
1- Positive Pressure (eyes of people) on political leaders - to a huge extent political leaders
have become conscious of their deeds and its impacts on their political career which has
reduced corruption.
2- Transparent Politics - Undoubtedly, social media has made politics transparent as social
interactions have increased. People are now able to judge political leaders on the basis of their
acts on social media, not only their statements.
3- Access to social media has made people aware about schemes by great political leaders
which is making healthy relationships between people and their representatives also making the
people understand their leader on a better behalf.
4- Improvement of political democracy - through social media, every person has many eyes to
see the standing parties ,their reality and works and then making voting decisions which has
improved the quality of democracy.
Hence, Social media has a significant role to play in Indian politics
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