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The agriculture industry which is the backbone of our nation is one among the quickest declining industries of our country. In our observations we can identify that the major causes for farmer suicides include the following causes:-

  1. Poverty
  2. Bad harvest
  3. Debts
  4. Exploitation of government fund by bigger players and officials
  5. Illiteracy
  6. Malpractices by middlemen
  7. Ineffective laws for their protection etc are the main causes.

While examining each cause we are able to find out that the major beginning of each begins with a cash crunch .We cannot blame the farmers for their poor status, instead we should prepare plans for their upheaval.

Avoid Exploitation/Corruption in Govt relief/funds: We can solve their problems by the cautious and proper implementation of various plans. When we talk about the government funding and their minimum support price(MSP),loansetc their major drawback includes the government's inability to ensure whether it is reaching the poor farmers hand or not. This is because in recent times we have actually experienced the big shots exploitation of such amenities. So in order to ensure its credibility all funds should be changed to bank accounts and proper records of loans should be kept by acknowledging the real wealth of the loan taker.

Create a sense of support: The next step is to provide the farmer a sense of support. For that instead of setting up an agricultural centre for giving advice on how to farm, which fertilizers to use etc, we can setup a farmer help centre which works 24x7 and has an agricultural expert who must go out and enquire about the farmer's need and problems.The agricultural expert shouldvisit each farmer in his region and should test the soil type, advice the crops that grow best, details about the amount of fertilizers which needs to be used and all other necessary assistance should be provided by the expert.

Provide required machinery/ equipment: We have witnessed a drop in the amount of land which was under cultivation, but it didn't possess a major decline in food production. It was because a large number of farmers used modern farming machinery and equipments like tractors, High Yielding Variety of seeds, harvester, pesticides, and fertilizers etc, so in order to up rise the production the government can invest an immense grand for providing the farmers with modern farming machinery.

Irrigation Facilities: In many regions even the farmers who have immense farmland are forced to leave it due to the absence or lack of water resources. This situation is clearly visible in Maharashtra where the farmers lack water due to the excess farming of sugarcane which requires a very large amount of water. This issue can be solved by constructing a mega-scale water project which connects all the drought prone states of India.

Prepare Proper Storage Facilities: In our country around a 10th of the total production is wasted due to poor storage facilities. If the government is able to provide proper storage facilities to the Food Corporation of India, we will be able to reduce food shortage and price hike.

Direct Market to the Producer:The price of the grain produced is high due to the middlemen, who buy the produce at very cheap rate and resell them at a high price. When we ditch them the price hike will not occur and will also help the farmer to obtain a fair profit.

The farmer is the most important professional who provides life to humanity but receives a treatment of very low quality. They are working to fill a stomach once a day while we are arguing about luxury items and buying smart phones. Remember they are the ones who are sacrificing their life for a better tomorrow for us. So always keep in mind a farmer is much more important than a politician because he gives you amenities but a farmer gives you life

- Adithya.S.Anand

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