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After 67 years of Republic, what India has achieved and yet to achieve-Enumerate

Recently India celebrated its 67th Republic day. It displayed its growing potential to the whole world through republic day parade on rajpath. Indian constitution was established on 26th Jan 1950, and from that day India became a republic nation. From 1950, till date many things have been changed. In 1950 India was a newly independent nation, having less military power, underdeveloped economy. It was facing acute problems on the medical front with high mortality rate among infants, high pregnancies among under aged girls, none reaching of the medical facilities up to the poor needy people.

In other word we can say that India was facing challenging problems on almost every front. It was necessary to strengthen the economy of the country. Every field was necessary whether it was manufacturing, Agriculture, services, IT etc.

India developed a lot since Independence. One of the greatest achievements of India was in agricultural sector when the green revolution was started around 1960's. With the introduction of HYV seeds India increased agricultural production. It was a great success particularly in western India in Punjab, Haryana and western UP. Through green revolution, India not only fulfilled its increasing food demand but also produced a surplus food grains which are exported and are the source of income for the country.

In manufacturing sector also India achieved a lot. Today India is ranked 5th in the world in total number of vehicles sale in a year. And with the increasing standard of living of the people, the demand for the vehicles is also increasing and as a result the manufacturing industry of India is also taking a huge shape. IT (information technology) revolution was one of the biggest necessities of India to move with the fast moving world. It created a lot of job opportunities in India. India ranks 2nd in the world based on the number of the internet users. Govt ambitious scheme Digital India is a great move toward connecting more people through Internet. It will play a vital role in taking the govt policies to every person without any difficulty.

In medical sector also India has achieved a lot. Recently India was declared polio free nation by UN, which is a result of the large scale vaccination program run by govts and some NGOs. Infant mortality rate has also come down in comparison from before. Now cure for most of the diseases are available in India and the people need not to approach the western countries for their treatment.

India is now a nuclear capable country with the second largest standing army of the world. Indian army have participated in many wars and also helping UN in its peace keeping missions. India also boosts of having one of the most powerful Air force and Navy of the world. So on the military front also India achieved a lot and now India is counted among the powerful countries of the world.

India is the third largest economy of the world based on the nominal GDP and also the fastest growing major economy.

After such achievement there are still some issues on which India is needed to look carefully. One of the biggest problems of India is the corruption which is now deep rooted in Indian culture. It deteriorates the India's image on the international level and also harming the Indian economy in the form of great scams. Women safety is another major issue which is nowadays a big talking point in India. The increasing crime against women is a great matter of concern, which requires immediate attention. Stringent laws are required for curbing such crimes, and those laws should be properly implemented.

In agriculture sector also the cases of farmer suicides are increasing which is required to be noticed since famers are the main producer's for the mankind. So, overall we can say that India have achieved a lot in these previous years but still it need to achieve a loot. It needs to work sincerely on the matters which are harming the nation because a real growth can only be achieved if there is uniform growth in every sector in healthy environment.

-Rahul Upadhyay

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