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Achievements and Failures of Climate Change Conference at Paris

Intolerance can be termed as sense of insecurity amongst the section of the society (generally minority community) due to policies by the ruling class affecting their interests.

Recent debate on the intolerance in country has many perspectives. When one looks at the recent policy decisions of the governments like beef ban, irresponsible statements by the elected representatives it is surely a matter of concern.

Also failure by the concerned authorities to curb such tendencies makes it worse. The multicultural Indian society cannot be governed on the basis of such biased decisions.

Also constitution of India has promised certain rights to the religious minorities (Article 24,25).

Values like secularism which forms the basic structure of the constitution, which cannot be encroached by any authority.

The intolerance debate has become propaganda many times. These debates used as tool to disturb the stability of the government by the groups of the people.

Making an attempt to obstruct the working of the government unnecessarily, boycotting the personalities (films of actors) are some of the bad tendencies which make the things more complicated.

Though it is appropriate to resist or express against the cases of intolerance, social media and youth involved in it, spreading the content without knowing possible effects, is a general observation now a days.

Recently Amir Khan expressed his feelings about insecurity rising in the nation which caused uproar in social media.

In Amir Khan's particular case it can be easily observed that his statements were differently interpreted by the media and people.

The harm done by the interpretation is many times more than that of actual statement. Here unethical behaviour of the media and concerned people gets underlined.

Now when a particular section of people develops sense of insecurity, should find the root cause of the problem and should prefer constitutional, legislative, judicial methods to express concern and to get justice.

The governing authorities are capable enough to do the same. It will be the best way as it would keep social fabric of country intact.

It is said that our duties are guided by the law, but major portion of our behaviour is out of purview of governing laws.

It is desirable to follow something called "Self Rule". The self rule of the people will give the strength to the country to stand against tendencies like intolerance.

-Shivraj Shahaji Dongare

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