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Coaching Classes, should be allowed only in school premises?

Evolution of learning process the earliest can be traced in oral transmission from 'Guru to Shishya'. Later through painting, writing etc gradual development took place till today where everything is available just on a click in computer. In initial stages when there was nothing available outside as 'reference', teaching and learning process developed a kind of bond between teacher and student. Concentration was the key process of learning. Now days with availability of coaching classes and readymade material these values in learning process are rarely seen.

Suppose, an individual for building body, starts taking supplementary nutrition. Fortunately it works. But it doesn't mean that he should stop taking the daily meals. Coaching classes can be analyzed through same lens. In today's speedy world most of the students are getting attracted to coaching classes, whatever course they may be pursuing. But coaching classes cannot replace the traditional ways like schools and colleges.

Coaching class can be seen as a cumulative outcome of right to do any business (guaranteed by constitution art 19), fierce competition for the seats in schools and colleges, demand from section of society and many more. There are certain advantages of coaching class good infrastructure, personal attention, fast and efficient delivery etc. Some of the coaching classes have skilled manpower which can train the student to its maximum capacity which he may not receive in regular schooling. Sometimes it feels satisfactory to spend some money for learning the skills like learning foreign language etc. which cannot be achieved easily otherwise.

But other side of picture is not much bright. The majority of the coaching classes have become factories of muggers. Providing readymade notes, charging heavy fees clearly throwing light on rich poor divide. Though there are some benefits, poor students just cannot afford the fees. Here they are denied equal opportunity. Also culture of coaching classes hampering the attendance of the students in schools and colleges and making the system paralyzed. As if faith of people is shifted from school college learning to coaching classes. Despite all these, there are some examples in society like 'SUPER 30' project in Bihar where students from poor family background receive coaching for IIT entrance examination. But these are very few in number and need encouragement from everyone.

On backdrop of this situation, banning all the coaching classes seems foolish solution. Indian education system has concentrated more on enrollment till date and it is justified by looking at the point from where we started. But now there is need for improving quality of education given in government schools and colleges. It can be carried out through improving infrastructure, teachers training, digital learning, distance learning .The nature of exams should be tweaked a bit and should evaluate the students by the overall development while current education system concentrates more on bookish knowledge. The physical, mental development, soft skills etc which are immensely important for efficient working of an individual in future should have more emphasis in curriculum. Summarily the schools and colleges should satisfy the needs of the students then influence of coaching classes will hopefully diminish.

Finally coaching classes should be seen as a tendency rather than a problem. It is said that as there is 'Some Syllabus' coaching classes will remain there and also flourish. Hence there should be an attempt to improve an education system. If we could do so the removal of coaching class tendency will be an outcome.

Shivraj Shahaji Dongare

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