Home » Subject » Essay » What is the proper path for the Central government to take on the Telangana Issue

After independence there was a plethora of problems accumulated in this country. Integration of princely states into India, demarcation of states was some issue before the government. Although the Congress party had a passed a resolution favouring that states should be formed on the linguistic basis, it wavered in its stand after independence.

Potti Sriramulu a Gandhian made strong efforts for the formation of Andhra Pradesh. Initially the government was not interested to act but when the situation worsened it was forced to form Andhra Pradesh state. This triggered aspirations of so many states in this country to strive for statehood.

The formation of Andhra Pradesh took place on 1st November 1956. A Gentleman agreement was made for special development of Telengana region that actually was the Nizam ruled Hyderabad state.

Subsequently, the Gentleman accord was not abided by the successive governments of Andhra Pradesh. This led to huge resentment in the Telanagana region. After a series of agitations and after consuming large number of agitators life, the union government finally decided to announce for the formation of Telanagana state in 2009 .

While this decision was welcomed by the people of the Telangana region it was disliked by the people of the Andhra region. They started fresh round of agitation against this decision.

The central government constituted many committees to get into the context of the matter. All the committees submitted their report to the union government where they recommended some measures before bifurcating Andhra Pradesh.

Some recommendations of these reports were divulged to the public others did not came in the public domain at all. The central government failed to grasp the recommendations of the submitted reports. It went ahead with the formation of the Telengana state.

However, it is felt that the Central government before taking decision on bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh should have done proper exercise for formation of Telangana state.

The Union government should have formed a committee to look after the deprived regions of Andhra. The government should have taken step to announce a slew of measures to guarantee that no injustice will be done after bifurcation.

The government in principle should have accepted some relief measure such as tax holiday for certain period allowing industries to form in Andhra region, taking measures for developing irrigation, setting up infrastructure etc.

The central government should have constituted a committee taking into account the grievances of the people of Andhra region. The government should have given assurance to act for the development of the region expeditiously. It should have directed the planning commission to allocate some share of revenue for development of the region.

The central government should also have cleared the projects so that the development of Andhra region takes place fast.

The central government by not doing any such thing has not followed the principles and ideals of the reorganization of the states. As such it has not set a good precedence for future such cases.

Dwarakanadha Reddy Bayana

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