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Should the Government's New Schemes be named in Hindi Only?

Any policy or scheme should be named in a manner that people could connect with it. By "people" here I mean the people for whom the scheme or policy is intended.

"Swacch Bharat Abhiyaan" is intended for the people of India. Now Hindi is one of the official language of Republic of India along with English. But it's Hindi only which is having maximum count of native speakers (around 41% of Indians as per 2001 census). So it sounds very logical to name it "Swachch Bharat Abhiyaan" instead of some other language name. However it is promoted in English too with the name "Clean India Campaign" (I have observed this.) too. On the same lines names of other schemes sound logical.

But "Make in India" initiative is taken by the Government of India to entice the foreign investor to set up their manufacturing processes in India. Now to name a scheme for the people outside India, a language should be there using which maximum could be connected hence English.

Simply it's our audience whom we need to understand first to convey our ideas effectively: Make in India" is aimed at foreign participants and they are better at English than in Hindi. The other schemes are aimed at Indian citizens; hence a mix of Hindu and Sanskrit is used.

In case of advertisements also, the use of language depends on the target market. Chinese companies do not advertise in Chinese outside China. They also ensure "Made in China" is imprinted on each product that is manufactured in China. Even the foreign investors that are manufacturing in China put a "Made in China" mark on the finished product.

The diversity in India is unique. Being a large country with large population. It is the land of many languages and 50% of our country speaks different languages and if all new schemes are going to introduce only in Hindi it very will be very difficult to reach all citizen of India particularly the poorest of the poor people in India.

The purpose of any government schemes is to reach the end consumer so better to launch in both Hindi as well as English and if possible make them even in regional languages so that it will reach ultimate poor and the programmes will help the poorest of the poor.

By making only in Hindi it seems violating the fundamental rights and finally imposing the one language on all people, then it will be very difficult to run the government as well as the programmes and finally leads to the country internal security. My personal view is better to make in Hindi and English.

In practical if we speak there is no huge difference will not make i.e. what difference does it make?? Either it is 'swacha Bharat' or 'make in India', it will not make any difference until and unless we will stop arguing on verbal faults. It will make a difference when everyone will be committed to do that only, no matter what the circumstances are, we have to pull it together. Instead of making it a topic for chitchat if everyone will try to carry in their heart then only it will make a difference because once a scholar said- 'Reading thousands of lines cannot change anything but carrying one in your heart will change your life forever.'

Narasimharao Pulibandla

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