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With growing numbers of Crorepati MPs, can poor Indians contest Lok Sabha Election.

The use of money power started dominating India since the single party domination ended somewhere around eighties.

The political scenario soon after the demise of Rajeev Gandhi started changing rapidly. The nationalist parties started depending heavily on regional parties to form coalition government.

This situation further exacerbated when the national parties started pacifying regional parties by awarding them projects backing thousand crore's of rupees.

In the 1991 when minority Congress party was invited to form the government, P.V.Narasimha Rao rewarded contracts to some of the MP's in order to gain their support and to safeguard his government.

Since then the political scenario of our country has totally altered. It has witnessed defections, changing parties, deceiving, promoting self interest etc, and every where it was the monetary factor that played a role.

The political scene also witnessed more number of persons having business interest joining the politics and pressurizing political leadership to promote their corporate interest. In turn the political leadership use such persons to their advantage, demanding funds from them for running the party.
Such funds at the time of elections were used for campaigning and bribing voters or for horse trading purposes to get majority on the floor of the house.
This type of political culture was promoted by all national and regional parties in the country. It thus started the era of carorepati MPs in Indian politics.

After getting elected these carorepati MPs heavily pressurized the political leadership to promote their business interest. They were pleased by making policies that may favour their fortunes. The circumstances created finds ordinary citizens uncomfortable in contesting the elections due to huge money power being exercised during the polls by the carorepati MPs. As a result people's faith in democracy has started diminishing as they are not happy voting such candidates who are money bags.

Even though the Election Commission is making efforts to bring transparency in the electoral process but it has not succeeded in controlling the money power playing a big role during elections.

So the onus is on the political parties to think about this issue. They must not encourage the corporate people to contest elections and avoid giving party tickets. It is only by taking stringent measures in the electoral process that the free flow of money power could be curtailed and this in turn may safeguard our democracy.

B.Dwarakanadha Reddy.

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