Home » Subject » Essay » To Keep Ganga Clean the puja's should not be performed on the bank of the river, do you agree? - Discuss

Ganga is the name of a river in India which is originated from the lap of Gangotri glacier of Himalaya. It covers a long distance of 3877 km and enriches the different part of India with its highly fertilized water. Ganga may be just a name for an outsider but for an INDIAN it is a mother, a goddess, and finally a river which helps in creating the livelihood of billion and billion Indian people. As the word Ganga comes to our mind it brings many thought along with it .it names reveals the India in a very broad way by creating the thoughts about the Indian culture ,Indian tradition, the Himalaya and about the thousand villages of India where millions of people reside with the livelihood given by this river. If we put a glance on the history of India then we will be able to ascertain that this river has served us and our country with love since a huge period of time without any greed of getting back. But the way we have treated our noble mother is shameful, disgusting and unbelievable.

Due to our negligence and unconsciousness we have committed a great crime and sin. According to a survey held by an international organization out of top twelve most pollutant river of the world the river GANGA ranks 6th.this report show us that how aptly we and our generations have treated with our mother Ganga. According to the statement of this question it is very hard to deny with the allegation but the fact is that only the pooja celebration are not the responsible for the suffer of mother ganga.

According to the world health organization the level of toxin present in the Ganga water is 3000 times more than it should be. A survey says that every day more than one million of untreated wastes are dumped in this river which will pollute the river 100 percent more by coming next 20 years. thousand of dead bodies are cremated and cattle babies are thrown in the river due to religious significances. Apart from these all there are countless reasons for the pollution of this river like a huge population, the wastes of the factories, waters and useless things from the houses and villages situated beside the rivers, the leaking engines of the ships and boats etc and the use of high quality of fertilizers in the fields where the canal is used for irrigation etc.

Since last few decade it has been seen that the government of India has woke up and creating different type of plans and commissions for the cleaning of Ganga. In the last election the ruling government also decide to take an action in order to clean the Ganga but the point of strange is that never any plan has been executed properly for the cause it has been set up. these plans and ideas are supposed just as a paper plan.

According to me the pooja performing is not the big reason for the pollution of ganga.in a year suppose there are one pooja in every month then we will get twelve pooja all over the country but what about the per day activities happening per day of the year.?

According to me the pooja should not be banned because India is a country known for its culture and tradition .banning the pooja can hurt the sentiments and faiths of the majority of people of the country which may cause a great rebel throughout the country. If we are really focused and determinant to clean the mother Ganga then we must have to promise with ourselves that since now onwards we will never stand in those who are causing mother Ganga a trouble and suffer. the government of India should do something extraordinary in the history of India to clean the river otherwise this river is threating endanger to the lives of more the 500 million of people ,190 types of fish species and 90 types of different amphibians apart from these all.

A well-planned program has to be organized throughout the country for creating the awareness in the people about the pros and cons of the polluted waters and how much they can affect our lives and country. The cleaning of Ganga is or was never a headache for the government or country people. we are around 125 crore in numbers if we take oath honestly to clean the Ganga then it's an easy job because we are Indian and the history justifies it that nothing is impossible for an Indian.

Sarwez Alam Kahan

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