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Is the growing level of competition good for the youth?

India is a developing nation with a population of 1.3 billion which is second after China. A massive crowd and less opportunity of employment has created environment of competition among youth's. It is said that "youths are future of India" or any developing nation. Due to less opportunity there is great rush in every sector. Whether it is Engineering, Medical Science, Lawyer, Agriculture, Machinery, Charted Accountant etc. youngsters are playing great role and bringing a boon to Indian economy.

Coming to the topic "Is growing competition is good for youth" has both positive and some negative impacts. Yes this changing competition will surely change the structure of India. When students came out in search of job after their graduation they are lacking their technical skills, leadership quality, and communication skills etc. which are very essential to seek any professional job. Government is forced to set up many educational institutions, training centers which can provide benefit to them to survive in this competitive world. However marginalized section of our society can't be educated as they can't afford expensive of higher studies, can't send their children to study out of station. However from independence our current development has regarding those days not in quality but at least in quantities. Due to huge crowd with fresh, smarty and creative mind they tend to be unique by creating special skills which reduce their competition to great extent. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has initiated many projects through which there will be rise in employment level but it has advanced this competition. Digital India, make in India, Boeing projects in Nagpur are some of them. A high level of competition is tending youth's to work hard. Working hard efficiently and effectively with proper use of time steps them ahead towards success. With this mass competition creativity and new ideas will flourish among young minds. Many youngsters will change their attitude by seeing positive and human environment around them. This will reduce chances of suicides in our society. This all quality will enrich their mind and also enhance them to do multitask. There will be quick decisions regarding their career. With all this Indian youngsters will have bright future. These qualities will help them to achieve their goals.

However, success belongs to those who hard work with determination and perseverance. Many of youth's who failed to achieve their goals change their track and get attracted towards anti-social activities like robbery, murders, gambling etc. Many of them start drinking liquors, cigarettes and many tobacco items. They fail to motivate themselves and lose their capability and even their ability becomes disability.

Conclusion is that competition in youth will help nation to develop at faster rate and compete with world's developed countries. As already said "youths are drastic changers" which will boost development of nation. Is growing level of competition has both good and bad impacts. It is good for some and also bad to some. But this is not sustainable for longer or it will create crises. There is solution for every problem. Humanity has too many solutions. Let youth create ultimate India.

Abhishek R Singh

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