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UPSC Law question papers

Listed below are the UPSC Law mains question papers ordered yearwise for your understanding of the pattern of the IAS Law question paper. Please carefully go through this UPSC Law question bank that we have prepared for you so that you can get the trend for the questions that are set every year and as per analysis prepare well giving more time to recurring topics and important parts of the syllabus that carry more marks overall. The Law question paper lisetd below are actual papers that were given for teh civil service mains examination held by UPSC. Our UPSC Law question bank is updated till questions of 2020.

Mains IAS Question Papers for LAW

Listed below are UPSC law optional question papers 2020 and before. Solving these law question papers will help you with answer writing in the real exam.

Law Optional Topic Wise Questions

Spending some time to go through the law question papers and segregating them topic wise is a task we highly recommend to each you. The process will engrain in your mind certain patterns that no ready made list can do. Also when you make notes please note the questions related to that note so you will learn to link and unlink in the proper manner. This exercise is also very useful at the time of revision.

UPSC Law Optional Solved Papers

Guide books with solved papers are a wonderful idea to begin with but depending upon them totally is misleading and sure cause for failure. Do buy a set and go through along with your main books and then make sure you sit down and write your own answers to previous year question papers as suggested earlier. Guide books do not have well written in trend answers. UPSC expects you to write your answers in view of latest events. So unless you read and write and add more notes as you read newer stuff you will be unable to write an effective answer.